




  四、当然,警察除了执法之外,同时也干一些违法的事,恐怕这便是警察口碑不佳的原因了 H urrying my 11 -year-old daughter to school, I made a right turn at a red light where it was prohibited.″Uh-oh,″ I said, realizing my mistake.″Ijust made an illegalturn.″″I guess it's all right,″ my daughter replied.″The police car behind us did the same thing.″

  我送11岁的女儿去上学,匆忙之中在一个禁止右转弯的路口右转。 哎呀, 我意识到自己的错误, 刚才拐弯是违法的。 我想没事儿, 女儿说, 我们后面的警车也是这么拐的。 1.本段落中有两处现在分词短语,即 H urrying my 11-year-old daughter to school和realizing my mistake,我们可以再列举几个现在分词的用法 T ime hurrying along, she found herself in a mess.时间飞逝,而她发现自己的事还是一团糟。 H e isn't really realizing his potential.他并未能把自己的潜能发挥出来。2.prohibit There is a rule prohibiting a truck from carrying goods on its return haul.有一条禁令规定 禁止卡车在回程载运货物。 T ourist class passengers are prohibited from using the first-class lounge.经济仓乘客禁用头等仓休息室。 H eavy fog prohibited flying.大雾妨碍飞行。 F amily finances prohibited his going to college.家庭经济状况不允许他上大学。

  五、不过,有的警察就非常善解人意,如果有这么一种警察作为自己的朋友,应该不是一件坏事 A friend of ours who was a New York State police officer stopped a woman for speeding. The wom an explained that her husband hated it if dinner wasn't on the table when he got home from work. And since she was behind schedule, she was racing to the supermarket.″Could you do me a fa vor?he woman added.″Could you write me a round -trip ticket? Because as soon as I get some hamburger meat,I'm going to speed all the wayhome.″

  我们有一个朋友是纽约州的警察,他截住了一位超速行驶的女子。女子解释道,她的丈夫很厌恶下班回家时晚餐还没有做好。而她照预定计划已经晚了,所以不得不飞速赶往超市。 你能帮我个忙么? 女人接着说。 能给我一张双程罚单么?因为买了做汉堡的肉之后,我得以同样的速度赶回家。 其中的几个词有必要深入了解 1.hate She hates anyone listening while she's telephoning.她不喜欢打电话时有人在一旁听着。 I hate troubling you.我不愿意给你添麻烦。 I would hate you to think me a trouble maker.你认为我是个爱招惹是非的人,我很遗憾。2.schedule The train is two hours behind schedule.火车误点两小时。 T he alarm woke her on schedule.闹钟准时把她闹醒。 T he work is going according to schedule.工作正按预定计划进行。 T he test is scheduled for August12th.测验定于8月12日举行。


  W hen my mother returned to her parked car one day, she was disturbed to see a policeman standing byit. Wondering what law she could have broken, she approached him with a winning smile and said,″Oh,officer, I do hope I haven't done anything wrong.″″Madam,″the policeman replied with an air of resignation,″we have to stand somewhere.″

  有一天,当我母亲回到她停放的汽车旁时,看见一个警察站在车边。她非常不安,不知犯了什么法,于是面带讨好的微笑向他走去并说, 哦,警官,我真希望没做什么错事。 ″夫人, 警察温和地答道 我们总得在某个地方站着。 收获 1.she was disturbed to see a policeman standing byit. Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood.重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。 N othing has been disturbed.东西都在原来位置。 H e is disturbed to hear your illness.他听到你生病感到不安。 I'msorry to disturb you.抱歉得很,给你添麻烦了。2.Wondering what law she could have broken Having thought it over, I decided against seeing himagain.经过周密考虑,我决定不再见他。 I expect to have finished in a couple of weeks.我希望在一两个星期内完成。 I f I had known, I would have told you.如果我知道,早就告诉你了。3.she approached him with a wining smile John is approaching manhood.约翰行将成年。 F ew actors approach him in ability.在才华方面很少有演员能与他媲美。 H e is difficult to approach.他为人很难接近。



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